Our Resources

These pages offer a range of resources to guide you in Student-Centered Learning (SCL), including protocols to help you increase student voice in your classroom and alternative assessments to assess students formally and informally in more student-centered ways.

If you’re wondering what SCL looks like in practice, check out our project profiles and our page on authentic products. As always, email us at office@theideaschool.org with any questions!

The 2024-25 school year is beginning. Are you student-centered ready?

One way to be student-centered is by organizing curriculum around essential questions that relate to students’ lives and how they interact in the world. Take a look at these two sets of essential questions teachers at Beren Academy in Houston, TX came up with as they started planning Navi (Prophets) and Chumash (Bible) curricula.

These Essential Questions were inspired by Shmuel Bet (Samuel 2) and Devarim (Deuteronomy), but notice how easily they apply to different books of the Torah, as well as to other disciplines.

These topics also connect well to the Yamim Noraim, the High Holidays, so you can start your year helping students pray meaningfully, think about their role in community, and consider how they want to grow not only at the start of the New Year but throughout it.