Who are we?

Our Vision, Mission, and Values:


Jewish education will be an incubator for inspiring and preparing students to take on the opportunities and challenges of our evolving world, with creativity, curiosity, confidence, and compassion.


The Idea Institute provides thought leadership, resources, and training that make Jewish education meaningful and impactful for learners in today’s world.


V'Tein B'Libeinu Le'Havin U'Lehaskil… ותן בלבנו להבין ולהשכיל

“Place in our hearts the ability to comprehend and to be intellectually creative…”

 We approach learning as an iterative process with deep curiosity, openness, and wonder


L'Shmoah L'Lmod U'Lelameid…לשמוע ללמד וללמד

“To listen, to learn, and to teach…”

Through taking on the perspective of others, our learning becomes outwards facing, with a commitment to impacting the world positively


L'Shmor V'La'asot…לשמור ולעשות

“To preserve and to practice…”

We cherish the beauty of the world that is and strive to bring it ever closer to the world that
ought to be


U'Lekayeim Et Kol Divrei Talmud Toratecha…ולקיים את כל דברי תלמוד תורתך

“To affirm all the words of the teachings of Your Torah…”

We honor and celebrate the sanctity and diversity of each person, their interests, questions,
ideas, and designs


B'Ahava באהבה

“With love”

We understand that the process of creating high-quality products of learning is enriched by meaningful collaboration with others and through the empathic understanding of others

The Idea Institute, established in 2014, is dedicated to transforming K-12 Jewish day school education through high-quality professional development (PD) in student-centered learning. We work with you to determine the change you want to make in your school and classrooms so that they become places of active, engaged learning.

The Institute offers a comprehensive suite of services, including 1:1 coaching, professional learning communities (PLCs), and tailored resources, particularly for Judaic Studies, addressing a critical gap in instructional strategies. Our 25 exceptional coaches, a “pedagogical dream team,” have expertise in all subject areas and academic levels in the K-12 space.

We look forward to partnering with you.